Monday, May 12, 2014We're constantly surrounded by electronic hums, beeps, tweets, and vibrations. The temptation to be constantly plugged into our cell phones, MP3 players, and laptops can be overwhelming, even when we're driving. Studies have found that drivers who text at the wheel are 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident. READ MORE >>
Monday, March 3, 2014Home. The word itself is solid, warm and comforting. But what if all that were swept away in a single moment? Could you rebuild, start again, make it what it was before? Many Americans’ homeowners insurance doesn’t cover the full cost of replacing their home in case of total destruction. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Who would you rather do business with: a company headquartered halfway around the world, or one with an office right around the corner? If you’re anything like us, you think local is the way to go. We love working with other local companies. Not only is it good for our economy, it also just makes good business sense. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 16, 2013 Fire is man’s oldest ally -- and our oldest enemy. We use it for cooking, for warmth, for electricity and light, but sometimes, it can turn on us. More than 3,500 Americans die every year in house fires, and more than 18,000 are injured. Take the time to protect your family and your home from fire damage with a few simple tips: READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 14, 2013The screech of tires. The shriek of brakes. The tinkle of broken glass. These aren't sounds that anyone wants to hear, but car accidents are part of modern life. How you react after an accident can make the process of getting back on your feet a lot easier. So keep calm and start picking up the pieces. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 26, 2013We love seeing our clients. We love it when they drop in to chat about their policies, or when we run into a client at the grocery store. It’s always great to catch up on how they’re doing and what’s new. While these encounters are usually fun and light-hearted, we also see many of our clients on the bad days. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 13, 2013Local food. Local theater. Local products. We’re paying more and more attention to things that come directly from our own communities. Why shouldn’t your business auto insurance agent be local, too? Everyone hates feeling like a number, and we promise never to make you feel that way. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 15, 2013We’ve all seen pictures of houses with water up to their rooftops, and cars floating serenely down a street that looks more like a river. Floods are a major force to be reckoned with and can have catastrophic effects on your car and your home. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 11, 2013A meteor hits your home. Are you covered? You hit a deer with your car. Covered? While we’re always here to help walk you through the intricacies of your ERIE policy, here are some basic rules of thumb about home and auto coverage. Specifics depend on your policy, and please call us if you have questions. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 16, 2013Buying a house is a big decision and can definitely change your life. You get the advantages of living in a place that’s all your own, but there are so many new responsibilities that fall on your plate: mowing the lawn, painting the house, taking care of that washing machine yourself when it starts spraying water, rather than calling a super or a landlord. READ MORE >>
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