Tuesday, August 2, 2016Just a few inches of water from a flood can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. From 2010 to 2014 the average residential flood claim amounted to more than $39,000. In 2014, the average flood insurance policy premium was about $700 per year. Flood insurance is the best way to protect yourself from devastating financial loss. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 8, 2016You jump in the car early one morning before your first cup of coffee, eyes still bleary with sleep. You open the garage door and prepare to back out. Thought the car was in reverse, didn’t you? It wasn’t. It was in drive. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 18, 2016Living in a condo brings together the best of both worlds -- apartments and houses. You own the condo outright, so if you want to paint the walls electric purple, go for it. And you don’t have to worry about things like lawn maintenance or other pesky chores. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 10, 2015What are ice dams? Ice dams are formed when melting snow and ice refreeze above the edge of a roof. Subsequent water from melting snow and ice backs up under the shingles. This causes leaks and water damage to the interior of your home. The key to avoiding ice dams is to ensure proper ventilation, drainage, and insulation. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 30, 2015If you were ever a Boy Scout as a kid, you know how important it is to be prepared. Prepared for what? For anything that life throws at you. It’s true when you’re camping in the woods, and even more true when you’re running a business. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 22, 2015Don’t you love getting a pat on the back? It’s so satisfying to know you’re doing a good job. Here at Gerelli Insurance we have to admit, we love it too. Typically, our clients don’t see us on their good days: it’s on the days when cars wind up totaled, roofs blow off and things are going very, very wrong. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 8, 2015Fire is man’s oldest ally -- and our oldest enemy. We use it for cooking, for warmth, for electricity and light, but sometimes, it can turn on us. More than 3,500 Americans die every year in house fires, and more than 18,000 are injured. Take the time to protect your family and your home from fire damage with a few simple tips: READ MORE >>
Friday, March 6, 2015Owning a business can be stressful. As a small business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. That’s why Gerelli Insurance is here to help if anything happens to your business. Do you need to file a business claim? It’s very easy to do. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 15, 2014We all know that no two snowflakes are alike. But since snowflakes tend to melt pretty quickly, it’s more important to remember that no two people are alike. For instance, some people love to talk on the phone, while the mere thought of a phone chat makes others turn green. READ MORE >>
Friday, July 18, 2014Ah, summer. Time for barbeques on the back patio, baseball and ice cream. We hope your summer is full of nothing but sunshine, but unfortunately, some of nature’s most powerful storms take place between swim meets and summer strolls. Be sure to get your house ready for tornado season with a few simple steps: READ MORE >>
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